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PowHer Moves: A 30-Day Course For Getting Promoted And Paid

If I can be totally transparent, career advancement doesn’t have to elude you AND neither does an increase in compensation. I have the privilege of coaching accomplished, ambitious women just like you who are qualified yet frustrated because they continue to get passed over for promotion. Their problem isn’t competency or capability and neither is yours. What’s standing in the way of you reaching the next level is too much of an emphasis on performance without a proven success path for getting promoted.

You deserve to be acknowledged for your contributions and achievements. You deserve an opportunity to grow and have greater impact within the company. You deserve stability and visibility that positions you to shape organizational culture.

I know. It's not the best place to be in professionally and it can't possibly feel good knowing you deserve something different or shall I say better.... It's time to end the vicious cycle you've been in; the one that led you to believe your work will speak for you and that the way you get promoted is by doing more work. It's time to stop watching those who are less deserving, who work less and who have been with the company less time advance in ways that you haven't.

Let's make this THE last year you are overworked and underpaid. Let’s make this THE last year you neglect yourself and those closest to you because you haven’t communicated boundaries that make room for both self-care and career success. Promise yourself that this is THE year you will stop doing the work in absence of the rewards. What I know after 500+ coaching sessions over the last 2.5 years is: you can have the promotion plus you can get paid - and I mean get paid WELL! I gave countless clients the playbook and now you can access it in this course. It’s your turn to get Promoted AND Paid.

If You're Ready To:

  • Stop settling for mediocre compensation, minimal movement and start the promotion conversation with your leader.

  • Pursue the position you want without neglecting your personal life. #WorkLifeBalance

  • Build a case that positions you to secure the seat as well as the salary you deserve.

  • Increase your influence, visibility and self-promote strategically.

  • Leverage language that allows you to professionally advocate for yourself with confidence and attract allies who advocate for you.

  • Understand your worth, communicate it and stop sitting on your ask as you negotiate salary.

  • Tackle Imposter Syndrome and start winning when you're the only woman in the room.

  • Leverage your performance evaluation properly so you can advance your position as well as your pay.

  • Manage up + access solutions to obstacles and objections you'll face from your leader.


Here's Your PowHer Play System For Getting Promoted And Paid:

  • Purpose: This is the critcial career step that gets you unstuck. You will build the foundation for your success by identifying your barriers to promotion, you will unlock clarity and create alignment with your career advancement goals.

  • The Path: Because managing your career by default instead of design leads to disappointment, you will access my pitfall checklist so you can avoid common mistakes that stop women from getting the promotion they deserve. This module positions you to navigate your career trajectory with precision by leveraging your personality + potential. You can then strategically plan your advancement courtesy of competencies as you establish your path forward.

  • Performance: You will master the art of high performance as you manage your path to promotion using a mini-SWOT analysis. You will also anticipate objections to your promotion, proactively consider value from the perspective of leadership as well as access a resource that helps you win the work-life balance war. You deserve to have more time in your day instead of the constant feeling of being tired.

  • Partnerships: You will cultivate meaningful relationships, build strategic partnerships and foster collaborations that will propel your career forward. In this module, the objective is to increase your visibility, self-promote and attract allies along the way to experience acceleration along your path to promotion.

  • Pay Me: You will acquire the tools and techniques to confidently advocate for the compensation you deserve. This includes what you should say, what you shouldn’t say and language to help you address + overcome objections to being promoted. Not only will you communicate with confidence and credibility, you'll have the resources to negotiate salary when you need to.


“I SURPASSED 6 FIGURES and couldn't have done it without you!!”

“Great news Ericka! I got the promotion and an increase in pay!!”

“You worked with me on my documentation for my promotion and I got it (promoted to Research Scientist).”


  • Success Strategy: Communication

    $49 value

    Prepare for your initial promotion conversation with your leader or if you need to "push back" in a professional manner without compromising your reputation + productivity, you can access these resources via download and/or audio.

  • Success Strategy: Strategic Thinking

    $49 value

    Win as the only woman in the room and create a game plan for the first 30 days in your new role. You can download these resources or listen via audio. #PromotedAndPaid

  • GAME: Preparing For Your Powerful Performance Evaluation

    $49 value

    Prepare for your upcoming performance evaluation by understanding the 10 detrimental mistakes women make when talking about work and money. Access a strategy that positions you to confidently communicate your contribution when it matters most.

  • S.L.A.Y Every Day: Simple Career Strategies For Ambitious Women

    $49 value

    Solutions for Imposter Syndrome and Superwoman Syndrome as well as how you can say no + solve problems in your current position. You can also access my "Win The Work-Life Balance War eGuide" for FREE with this course.

  • Success Strategy: Influence

    $49 value

    Access tips that prepare you to leverage influence as an asset. You can download these resources or listen via audio.

Course Curriculum

    1. How To Use This Course

    2. Course Introduction

    1. [Access This List]: Building Your Case For Getting Promoted And Paid

    2. Module 1: Purpose

    3. Participant Guide: Purpose

    1. Module 2: The Path

    2. Participant Guide: The Path

    3. FREE BONUS: What It Takes

    4. Competency Listing

    1. Module 3: Performance And Productivity

    2. Participant Guide: Performance And Productivity

    3. FREE Bonus: Win The Work-Life Balance War eGuide

    4. FREE Bonus: Managing Up eGuide

    5. Congratulations On Your Progress!!!

    1. Module 4: Partnerships

    2. Participant Guide: Partnerships

    3. The Visible Woman eGuide

    4. The Visible Woman Action Plan

    5. Self-Promotion Is Your Superpower

    6. Social Capital Stakeholder Map

    7. How To Attract An Ally

    1. Module 5: Pay Me

    2. Participant Guide: Pay Me

    3. What Does The Market Say You're Worth?

    4. Salary Negotiation eGuide: Get Your Money Honey

    5. Stop Sitting On Your Ask

    6. Participant Guide: Stop Sitting On Your Ask

    7. What NOT To Say: 10 Phrases To Avoid During Advocacy Conversations

    8. 20 Phrases That Stop You From Sitting On Your Ask

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Enrollment Options